In order to maintain a healthy environment for all of our children, we ask for your cooperation in the following preventative measures.
Please do NOT bring your child to the nursery if he or she displays any of the following:
• Runny nose with colored mucus
• An above normal temperature (over 98.6)
• Irritating/persistent coughing or sneezing that is productive
• Drainage in the eyes, conjunctivitis, or pink eye
• Irritability and/or fever due to immunizations in the last 24 hours
• Undiagnosed rashes or eruptions of unknown origin
• Diarrhea or vomiting within the last 24 hours
• Irritability and pulling at ears
It is our prayer that our children are in good health at all times. However, when symptoms are present, bringing the child around other children is unfair to both your child and other children. If we make a judgment error in not receiving your child, we prefer to err on the side of caution.
Thank you for your cooperation in following these guidelines!