As you consider worshiping at Lapeer Assembly of God, here is some information that you might find helpful.
What is worship like? As a multi-generational congregation, our worship services blend contemporary and traditional styles of music.
How should I dress? There is no particular dress code; some people go a little more dressy and some wear jeans it is completely up to you.
Once I attend a service, what happens next? So that we can stay in touch, we ask that you complete the guest information sheet in your bulletin or online. Please drop the completed form in offering, or leave with the attendant at the Information Center.
Do I have to become a member? That’s up to you! But if you feel like Lapeer Assembly is where God is calling you, we encourage you to join us in membership. To learn more about the heart and vision of our church, we offer periodic “Discovering Lapeer AG” classes. Each class ends with an opportunity to become a member. Look for the next class offering in our upcoming events.
Are there other opportunities for study? We have Sunday School classes every Sunday, and our Wednesday evening services feature classes for all ages. There are also various Bible studies offered throughout the year that can be found online under “Events.”
How can I learn about other activities going on? Current events and registrations can be found on our website under “Events.” They can also be found in the bulletin, at the Information Center, and during service via video announcements.
What denomination does this church identify with? The Assemblies of God, officially the World Assemblies of God Fellowship, is a group of over 140 autonomous but loosely associated national groupings of churches which together form the world’s largest Pentecostal denomination. To learn more about our beliefs, check out our “Beliefs” section under “About.”
What if I have other questions? If there’s a question you have that we did not cover, feel free to contact us.